R C Sahni - A Leading Administrator of India

A Mech71 Press Release
Until RC sends a profile pic we shall manage with those of prehistoric humans :)

R C Sahni, a 1971 Mechanical Engineering Graduate of IIT Delhi, Took over as The Chief Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh ( A populous Central Indian province)on 28th of Jan. This is the top most administrative job in a state government in India. In his own words this is what R C Sahni has to say about Mech71, " You can now add the top administrative job in a state government in India as one of the group's achievements. As a single class of one institution we can consider ourselves lucky to have had so much bestowed on us. May God continue to bless us all."

R C Sahni is fondly referred to as just RC by college friends. He grew up as well as received his early education in New Delhi. His childhood home is located close to the central downtown district of New Delhi - Connaught Place. This blogger recall visiting RC at home during college days and also recalls that while other Mech71ers were seeking corporate careers, RC was clear from the start that his destiny lay in the Indian Administrative Service.


ProfAshok said…
Dear Ramkumar I can tell you some of the distinguishing characteristics of Mech71ers

1. Do their best at whatever they do without getting overly stressed about it. Most mech71ers interspersed cracking hard assignments or hard moments in life with jokes ( called phattas)

2. Avoid the mundane and petty, dishonesty and corruption, pride and jealousy, pretensions and complexities to the extent feasible. Simplicity and humility is the mark of mech71ers

3.Relax whenever you can, quite a few mech71ers have already retired inspite of their qualifications and experience. Have fun whenever you can. A favorite past-time of mech71ers is sharing jokes on the internet, quite a few are ribald ones, and the glasses you see contain booze
ProfAshok said…
may I add one more for ram Kumar here? It is important I think in life not to get overly anxious or obsessed about any idea or result howsoever important, for that can be the dark road to misery. One has to make reasonable effort for any desired outcome and then accept whatever is the result. The outcome of any action depends a lot on chance, fate, karma or whatever one may call it and one cannot change it anymore than the assets we were born with. Therefore we have to take the good with the bad. If some mech71ers appear shining there are others who have not done that well in worldly terms, and of those who have done well, they have had their periods of adversity. Most took it in their stride, even smiling. It is all a part of life.

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