
Showing posts from June, 2015

Portrait of a Life

A fellow mech71er, Rajive Johri, a retired President of a leading bank in USA today included this wonderful poem in an email with the following message, When an old woman died in the geriatric ward of a nursing home in Saskatchewan, the nurses going through her meager possessions, found this poem. This little old woman, with nothing left to give to the world, is now the author of this ’anonymous’ poem winging across the Internet.   Crabby Old Lady What do you see nurses?  What do you see? What are you thinking, when you're looking at me? A crabby old lady, not very wise, Uncertain of habit, with faraway eyes? Who dribbles her food, and makes no reply. When you say in a loud voice, I do wish you'd try who seems not to notice, the things that you do. And forever is losing, a sock or shoe? Who, resisting or not, lets you do as you will, with bathing and feeding, a long day to fill. Is that what you're thinking? Is that what you see? Then open