Golden Jubilee, MECH 71, Year 2016, Celebrations

The Golden Jubilee moment has now become a year of celebrations

Congratulations to all members of Mech71 for their
Golden Jubilee Year 2016

Mech71 Association is an association of friendship between 1971 Mechanical engineering graduates of IIT Delhi. All of the members complete fifty, 50, years of their introduction to each other during this year. They first met in 1966.

During this year, 2016, any meeting between any members by chance or design initiated by any member or groups of members is a celebration of this Golden Jubilee 2016 or GJ16 enshrined in letters of gold that emerge from the heart.

Note 1: 

The Background image for the artwork is Nainital, a destination many expressed a desire to visit in company of each other, time and circumstances permitting, aside most certainly from New Delhi where they first met

Note 2: 

The word Jubilee coming to us from English has the following origin as per Wikipedia:

“The year of Jubilee in both the Jewish and Christian traditions is a time of joy, the year of remission or universal pardon. In Mosaic law, each fiftieth year was to be celebrated as a jubilee year, and that at this season every household should recover its absent members,--“

The prefix golden would just imply special here something that will come only once in a life time in the highest of probability, in our case as special fiftieth year in the lives of Mech71ers. In modern times the word has been used in various contexts including anniversaries also as well as in its original sense. Mech71 too had originally visualized this as a special day or few days but finding that concept defective, expanded it to the original traditional meaning of a an entire fiftieth year. It may be noted that this is a celebration of friendship. The IIT Alumni Association also celebrates a golden Jubilee for its graduates when they complete 50 years as engineering graduates and this Golden Jubilee of graduation shall be later in 2021 on specific days as chosen by the AA.


Ramakrishnan said…
Oh ! I thought Golden Jubilee would be 2021 ie.50 years from year of passing out. But 2016 sounds fine. Yes the push for this can be given around mid-2015 !A Himalayan retreat with meditation, levitation and some swamins thrown in for entertainment sounds just the right recipe for celebration ! Count me in for sure !
ProfAshok said…
Ramu we better have one sooner than 2021 before we get too old for some of what you are suggesting. The 2021 may be a formal thing in IIT for all 1971 batches,as they had on after 25 years too, ours is a thing of celebrating fifty years of friendship of a closer group just mech71, from the time I met you first in 1966 and heard of your adventures in Saint Xavier's of Patna.
ProfAshok said…
There is a possibility that we might like to choose a date in latter half of September too when possibility of road and air interruptions by monsoons are less likely, but it is for those in distant lands to comment on dates that could be firmed up in time.
Ramakrishnan said…
Yes I agree. We certainly would like to avoid torrential rains,tempestuous winds,turbulent rivers,torrid landslides and furious floods !
Ramakrishnan said…
Looks like Mech'71ers continue to be Facebook shy !
ProfAshok said…
Ramu facebook was considered in the past and left aside for mech71 for one essential reasons - 1. facebook is not private as the email group communications are, and therefore can only be used for less personal exchanges than is possible in the emails 2. facebook pages are open to a wider group that includes friend and colleagues from work, family and even some strangers at times, and therefore the content one can post is restricted, to the stuff suitable for all to hear. e.g. the kind of exchanges we had with Rajat when the need arose could never ever have been posted on Facebook, nor the last two lines of my silly jingle on recent elections.
ProfAshok said…
Similarly this get together announcement of Golden Jubilee was not shared by me on facebook page although I frequently share from other blogs, since it would not have interest the majority of my friends there.
ProfAshok said…
After considerable debate, the concept of jubilee origianlly being considered for a few days was expanded to an entire jubilee year, the year 2016. It is a special year to Mech71ers and although mech71ers meet from time to time in different parts of the world, during this year such meetings would be even more special and a celebration of this golden jubilee year, that shall begin on the midnight of 2015-2016.

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