Letter to a friend -III
This letter to a friend was placed in the public domain because it may have content useful for public at large just as two other letters were similarly placed in this blog earlier. If greater clarity is required on the mention of the author's mother in the letter, please also see later, https://someitemshave.blogspot.com/2018/02/last-days-and-moments-with-mother.html Dear Sanjay When I read your email yesterday, it provoked laughter at first but on reflection it does require a serious response. My last letter to you now in public domain in the mech71 blog has become famous and I send the link of it at times to people facing health issues and it is appreciated much. I had referred to you as roommate indeed in my email. The reason for not mentioning by name was an earlier request to you not to mention me similarly. I must thank you that like a true friend you did honor the request and if this time you violated, it was entirely my fault because I mention